We are delighted to announce the launch of a dedicated learning module in our support section – Understanding and Using sumHR. While the support center has been there for a while, we decided to add this extra module since many customers requested FAQs that would specifically help the employees when they start using the HRM software.
Nearly everyone who has used sumHR agrees that it is one of the most easy to use HR software. This is because our engineers make it a point to focus on the user experience too, along with writing some beautiful code that makes the backend robust.
As you know whenever an organization, big or small, moves to new software or installs it for the first time, there is always a dire need of support, especially for the users who are going to use it. This is especially true for HRM software as it is used by the employees each and every day and has several important things related to it, such as leaves, attendance, payroll, etc. All users who sign up (usually CEOs & HR managers) for sumHR are quite excited about our HR product but usually this enthusiasm is not shared by their employees since there is a perception that any new software would be difficult to use.
To ensure that all employees of our customers share the same level of eagerness, we decided to invest extra time and resources to create the “Understanding and Using sumHR” learning module. We realize that a little bit of handholding is always necessary, and our Admin users cannot solve each and every single query of their employees. You can visit the Q&A module over here: http://support.sumhr.com. We encourage you to share it with all your employees.
sumHR is evolving and every few weeks we’ve been adding new features. The same applies for our support section too. We are continually updating it as per the feedback we receive from our customers. Do feel free to share your thoughts via the comments section below.